What is a full service diagnosis on BMW cars?
Diagnosis is the first and essential part of any repair. We use specialist equipment to carry it out.
We use the best diagnostic tools available on the market to service BMW and MINI vehicles. The diagnostic computers recommended by BMW concern allow full diagnostics and programming of the vehicle’s control units. We use the original ISTA system, but also many other coding and programming tools such as E-Sys , NcsExpert , Winkfp .
Why do you need a special computer for full diagnostics?
BMW takes full advantage of the possibilities offered by modern electronics and IT. This is an excellent convenience for users, giving comfort in operating and driving the vehicle. It is very important to ensure the safety of the driver, passengers and pedestrians through highly developed systems The huge number of controllers responsible for the systems makes it necessary to use sophisticated tools to detect irregularities in their operation. High and low temperatures, vibrations and moisture are extreme operating conditions that cause faults.
Mechanical repairs versus electronic repairs
Sensors in mechanical systems such as the engine, gearbox and instrument cluster transmit information about parameters and anomalies to the supervising controllers. By reading this information with a specialised service computer, it is possible to prevent malfunctions from occurring and to correct operating parameters. Even when there are obvious noises in the engine or gearbox, it is necessary to resort to computer diagnostics to check the operating parameters.